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Showing posts with label life in motion chiropractic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life in motion chiropractic. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2015

Daily Health Update for Monday, 06 April 2015

“To the best of our ability, Life in Motion Chiropractic and Wellness agrees to provide our patients convenient, affordable, and mainstream Chiropractic care. We will not use unnecessary long-term treatment plans and/or therapies.”

Mental Attitude: Is COPD Linked to Dementia?

For those needing more reasons to avoid cigarette smoke and other forms of air pollution, a new study notes an association between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and mild cognitive impairment, a risk factor for dementia.

Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, March 2015

Health Alert: New CPR Devices Approved by FDA.

The ResQCPR system involves two new devices that can be used together to aid people who require cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The first device is called the ResQPump, which attaches to a person’s chest with a suction cup, making it easier for the rescuer to compress and decompress the chest during CPR. The second device, the ResQPod, fits onto a rescue mask or breathing tube to help reduce pressure inside the victim’s chest, which helps draw more blood to the heart. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that when used together, the devices help increase the amount of oxygenated blood that circulates through the patient's body during CPR and thus increases their chance of survival.

Food and Drug Administration, March 2015

Diet: Vegetarian Diet May Reduce Risk of Colon Cancer.

A new study involving more than 77,000 adults has found that a vegetarian diet may cut an individual's risk of colorectal cancer by 20%. The researchers believe the benefit is mainly the result of eating less red and processed meat (both of which have been associated with a high risk for colorectal cancer) and eating more fiber-rich foods in the form of fruits and vegetables (which have been linked to a reduced risk for the disease).

JAMA Internal Medicine, March 2015

Exercise: How to Shop for Athletic Shoes.

It is essential to wear a properly fitted and supportive pair of shoes when exercising. The American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society offers the following tips: shop at a specialty store to take advantage of their expertise, try on shoes at the end of the day when your feet are largest, wear the socks you usually wear when exercising, make sure you can easily move your toes after lacing them up, walk or run a few steps to test that the shoes firmly grip your heels, and look for a sport-specific shoe if you plan to play a particular sport.

The American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, March 2015

Chiropractic: How Whole Body Vibrations Increase Back Injury Risk…

While exposure to whole body vibrations (WBV) has been identified as a risk factor for a work-related back injury, previous research hasn't determined why this is the case. In a recent study, volunteers lifted a box in front of them from ground level to a waist height platform to the left of their bodies repeatedly during two hour-long sessions. Before one of the sessions, participants sat for an hour on a vibrating platform. An analysis of body movements from both sessions showed that WBV exposure resulted in faster and more exaggerated twisting motions by participants. Over time, such behavioral changes during repeated lifting tasks following WBV exposure may increase an individual's risk for an injury to the lower back.

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, March 2015

Wellness/Prevention: Focusing on Sleep Quality and Stress Reduction Helps Reduce Diabetes Risk!

For those at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, a new study recommends focusing on reducing stress and getting quality sleep in addition to increasing physical activity and eating better. Researcher Dr. Mariam Kashani explains, "By taking sleep and stress into account, we factor in important hormonal processes to better manage glucose. When we are stressed, our bodies release extra glucose and when we are tired, we tend to make poor food choices. In this context, people often regain weight, and in doing so, they may revert back to worsening blood glucose levels."

American College of Cardiology's 64th Annual Scientific Session in San Diego, March 2015

This information should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a health care professional who is familiar with your updated medical history.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Daily Health Update for Thursday, 02 Apr 2015

“To the best of our ability, Life in Motion Chiropractic and Wellness agrees to provide our patients convenient, affordable, and mainstream Chiropractic care. We will not use unnecessary long-term treatment plans and/or therapies.”

 Mental Attitude: Are Parents to Blame for Narcissistic Kids?

If you want to avoid raising a narcissistic child, then the authors of a new study recommend not overvaluing your son or daughter. The researchers found the children whose parents described them as "more special than other children" and who "deserve something extra in life" scored higher on tests of narcissism. Study co-author Dr. Brad Bushman adds, "Children believe it when their parents tell them that they are more special than others. That may not be good for them or for society." Dr. Bushman and his colleagues recommend that parent training interventions could teach parents to express affection toward their children without telling them that they are better than others.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, March 2015

Health Alert: Nearly Two Out of 3 People with Invasive Cancer Are Surviving 5 Years or More.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the overall five-year survival rate for patients following a cancer diagnosis is now just over 60%. While prostate and breast cancer -- the two most common body sites for cancer in the United States -- have high five-year survival rates (97% and 88%, respectively), there's significant room for improvement with lung cancer patients as their five-year survival rate is just 18%.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March 2015

Diet: Vitamin B1 Deficiency May Affect from 1 in 6 to Nearly 1 in 3 Obese Adults.

Between 15.5% and 29% of obese patients seeking bariatric surgery are thiamine (also known as vitamin B1) deficient. Though important for metabolism, nerve conduction, and muscle contraction, thiamine is not produced by the body and must be derived from food sources. Thiamine deficiency has been associated with weakness, fatigue, psychosis, and nerve damage. While obesity is thought to be a disease of excess nutrition, this finding suggests that it may also be a disease of malnutrition.

Advances in Nutrition, March 2015

Exercise: How to Build a Fitness Support System.

Staying motivated to achieve your health and fitness goals can be easier if you have a strong support system. The American Council on Exercise recommends communicating with a partner or loved one about your goals, finding an accountability buddy to encourage you, and connecting with others who are focused on improving their health.

The American Council on Exercise, March 2015

Chiropractic: Advanced Diagnostic Imaging for Seniors with Back Pain?

While most treatment guidelines generally advise against CT/MRI scans for younger adults with new onset back pain, guidelines for older adults allow for early imaging. However, it's unknown if this improves outcomes or possibly worsens them if such imaging leads to treatments that may have serious adverse effects. To find out, researchers followed 5,239 seniors for the year after their initial visit regarding back pain. Of the group, 349 received either a CT or MRI scan within six weeks of their first appointment. One year later, outcome assessments focused on measuring disability found that early advanced imaging was not associated with better treatment outcomes.

 JAMA, March 2015

Wellness/Prevention: Weight Loss Should Be Part of Cancer Prevention Strategies!

Current research shows that obesity is associated with a higher risk for ovarian and endometrial cancers, as well as postmenopausal breast cancer in women. Though the precise mechanism behind the elevated risk for such cancers is unknown, it's suspected obesity-related changes to a woman's sex hormone levels, insulin resistance, and chronic inflammation may be to blame. Obese women are also at greater risk for cancer recurrence and mortality. Experts recommend that obese women adopt a healthier lifestyle as part of a cancer prevention strategy.

Best Practice & Research, Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, February 2015

This information should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a health care professional who is familiar with your updated medical history.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Daily Health Update for Wednesday, 01 Apr 2015

“To the best of our ability, Life in Motion Chiropractic and Wellness agrees to provide our patients convenient, affordable, and mainstream Chiropractic care. We will not use unnecessary long-term treatment plans and/or therapies.”

 Mental Attitude: Loneliness & Depression Associated with TV Binge-Watching.

A recent study has found that the more lonely and depressed a person is, the more likely he or she will binge-watch TV. Researchers say that depressed individuals use this activity to move away from negative feelings and those who lack the ability to control themselves are more likely to binge-watch. This is of concern as past research has shown that obesity and other health problems are related to excessive television viewing, suggesting that binge-watching may be more than a harmless addiction.

65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, February 2015

Health Alert: Prescription Combo Can Be Fatal for Seniors.

Combining commonly prescribed antibiotics with a widely used heart medication appears to more than double the risk of sudden death in seniors, finds a new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Spironolactone (Aldactone) is a common diuretic widely used in the treatment of heart failure. However, investigators have found that when trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Septra, Bactrim) is prescribed to someone on Spironolactone, it can cause blood potassium to rise to potentially life-threatening levels. Over a 17-year period, almost 12,000 people died suddenly after taking this combination of medicines and most of the patients who died were over the age of 85. The authors conclude that pharmacists and physicians must be made aware of this interaction, as it does not appear widely known at present time.

Canadian Medical Association Journal, February 2015

Diet: Toddler Snacks & Meals Have Plenty of Salt & Sugar.

Many prepackaged meals for toddlers contain high levels of salt, and many snacks, desserts, and juices for infants and toddlers contain added sugar. Researcher Dr. Mary Cogswell writes, "It was surprising that more than seven of ten packaged toddler meals contained too much sodium (salt)… Some parents might be surprised that a majority of infant and toddler snacks and sides, such as flavored crackers and rice cakes, contained added sugar. About half the analyzed ready-to-serve mixed grains and fruits products, such as oatmeal and fruit in a jar, contained added sugar." She recommends preparing food for infants and toddlers as a healthier choice over prepackaged foods.

Pediatrics, February 2015

Exercise: You May Want to Take it Easy When Jogging.

After following 1,000 healthy joggers and 4,000 healthy non-joggers for a decade, researchers claim that those who jog 1-2.4 hours per week were 71% less likely to die during the study period than non-joggers. However, they found no mortality benefits when comparing more strenuous joggers to the non-joggers in the study. Study researcher Dr. Jacob Marott adds, "We believe that long-term strenuous endurance exercise may induce pathological structural remodeling of the heart and large arteries."

Journal of the American College of Cardiology, February 2015

Chiropractic: Improvement in Chronic Hypertension Following Cervical Adjustment.

A 55-year-old male with a history of chronic hypertension that did not respond to medical management presented for a trial of chiropractic care. After receiving an upper cervical adjustment using a specific chiropractic protocol, his blood pressure progressively lowered. The findings support the possible use of chiropractic care in the management of unresolved chronic hypertension.

Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, January 2015

Wellness/Prevention: Probiotic Pill May Help Diabetics.

Researchers claim that a study involving rats demonstrates that a modified strain of "friendly" human gut bacteria called Lactobacillus appears to have instigated a process that converted cells in the intestinal lining to behave like pancreatic beta cells and release insulin to regulate blood sugar levels. In the study, the rats that received the modified probiotic had blood glucose levels up to 30% lower than rats that did not receive the probiotic. The researchers hope to one day develop a probiotic pill for human use that diabetic patients could take each morning to help manage and possibly cure their condition.

Diabetes, February 2015 

This information should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a health care professional who is familiar with your updated medical history.