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Showing posts with label chiropractic near me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chiropractic near me. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2015

Daily Health Update for Friday, 03 Apr 2015

“To the best of our ability, Life in Motion Chiropractic and Wellness agrees to provide our patients convenient, affordable, and mainstream Chiropractic care. We will not use unnecessary long-term treatment plans and/or therapies.”

 Mental Attitude: Does IQ Determine How Much Alcohol a Young Man Drinks?

Swedish researchers have found that lower male IQ scores are linked to greater risks for heavy and binge drinking behaviors. The research team separated the nearly 50,000 male study participants into nine groups based on IQ scores from highest to lowest. They found that the risk of heavy drinking increased 20% and the risk of binge drinking increased 9% as they moved each level downwards towards the group with the lowest IQ scores. While it’s believed that many factors may influence an individual's alcohol consumption, those with higher IQ scores may be more likely to make lifestyle choices that would steer them clear of situations that encourage heavy drinking.

Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, March 2015

Health Alert: Family History of Prostate Cancer May Be Linked to Breast Cancer Risk.

A family history of prostate cancer may be tied to a woman’s risk of breast cancer. Researchers found that women whose father, brother, or son have had prostate cancer may have a 14% greater risk of developing breast cancer when compared with women whose male family members have not had prostate cancer. They also found that women with a family history of both prostate and breast cancer have a 78% greater risk of developing breast cancer when compared with women whose family histories have neither. The findings call attention to the need for women to know their complete family medical history, particularly cancer diagnosed among first-degree relatives, including fathers, brothers, and sons.

Cancer, March 2015

Diet: Could This Olive Oil Compound One Day Fight Cancer?

Oleocanthal, a compound in extra virgin olive oil, has been observed to cause cell death in cancer cells; however, scientists have been unable to determine how it worked. Now, researchers claim that oleocanthal acts by rupturing the lysosomes found in cancer cells, causing cell death within 30 minutes while leaving non-cancerous cells untouched. Study co-author Dr. Paul Breslin notes, "The mechanism of killing cancer cells and sparing healthy cells, lysosomal membrane permeabilization, has been hypothesized as a possible mechanism of effectively killing cancer cells and sparing healthy tissues but has never been realized before. Our realization of this makes this paper of particular therapeutic interest for cancer treatment."

Molecular & Cellular Oncology, January 2015

Exercise: Exercise's Effect on the Brain Could Improve Mobility as We Age.

A small study conducted at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago indicates that staying physically active in adulthood may ward off mobility problems later in life. In a study involving 167 seniors, those with a history of physical exercise had higher mobility scores than their peers who were mostly sedentary during their working years, even in the presence of brain deterioration typically associated with movement difficulty among the elderly.

Neurology, March 2015

Chiropractic: Stretching Can Help Office Workers with Neck and Shoulder Pain.

For office workers with chronic neck and shoulder pain, a recent study found that performing neck and shoulder stretching exercises at least three days a week led to significant improvements in both pain and function.

Clinical Rehabilitation, March 2015

Wellness/Prevention: Benefits From Diet & Exercise.

A healthy diet combined with exercise can lead to many benefits. The Weight-Control Information Network lists the following benefits of exercise: keeps your body energized for work and play, improves ability to manage stress, promotes a positive self-image, improves the fit and look of clothing, tones muscles, and creates a positive example for family and friends.

The Weight-Control Information Network, March 2015

This information should not be substituted for medical or chiropractic advice. Any and all health care concerns, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a health care professional who is familiar with your updated medical history.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Core Strength and Flexibility

This is Part I of what will be a series of posts regarding core strengthening and flexibility. spkDC

Your core is more than the “six-pack” that is envisioned when the subject is discussed. Your core musculature includes the following areas: back, flank, pelvis, and buttocks all of which are responsible for assisting in the stabilization of your spine when you bend, twist, rotate, sit, and stand. So whether you’re a “gym rat” or an “occupational athlete” your core, and your mindful attention to it, is imperative in preventing back and/or neck pain.

Obviously there are various workouts that can improve core strength but some require a certain level of fitness while others, if not executed properly, can result in further injury and/or pain. However, there are exercises which are appropriate no matter what your reluctance or time constraint is. Because let’s face it, any form of physical activity that can enhance your spinal stability is better than none at all.

No inanimate device or solitary treatment to date is the be all end all cure for low back pain, an issue which ranks second to respiratory infection for primary care visits. That being said, when it comes to musculoskeletal pain, no website or anecdotal opinion is a reasonable substitute for an objective examination by a musculoskeletal specialist to determine the cause and subsequent treatment for your low back pain. Ignoring pain that hasn't gotten better or become worse after 72+ hours will only amplify the issue and altering your body mechanics to decrease its provocation can cause additional problems.  

Studies have shown that regular stretching AND strengthening of core musculature can help you avoid back pain and/or ease chronic pain. The objective of regular core “mindfulness” is to hone conscious control over the position and movement of your body’s center, an area known in traditional Chinese medicine as the “dan-tien” [don-tee-en]. You should think of your core as the “conjunction junction” between your torso and lower extremities (thighs, legs, and feet).

All bodily propulsion either originates or is transferred through the core via the kinetic chain. Muscle weakness/tightness within the chain (i.e. back, flank, pelvis, buttocks) can/will decrease the strength/stability of your movements and set in motion joint misalignments and/or adverse limb placement thereby perpetuating injury over time (“the straw that broke the camel’s back”).

Core strength and flexibility is the key to ambulatory power, balance, and stability which is vital to injury prevention. Your core affects just about everything you do whether it be taking a walk, rising from your chair, putting on your shoes, turning to back your car down the driveway, or simply standing still and a weak inflexible core can make on the job tasks, hobbies, sports, or housework quite unpleasant.

Aside from maintaining a healthy back, core strength and flexibility will help you feel, think, and look better:

  • Regular exercise has been shown to ease depression and improve mood which in turn will help you not gain weight or regain pounds you've lost
  • In older adults, regular exercise improves functional abilities which in turn help to maintain/boost bone density, prevent falls, and sharpen mental function

  • Regular Exercise = ↓ Risks ForEarly Death [i.e. heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, etc.]

  • Some people [under a medical doctor’s supervision] may be able to cut back on certain medications which can eliminate/ease unwanted side effects as well as save you money